“Vincentians endeavor to establish relationships based on trust and friendship. Conscious of their own frailty and weakness, their hearts beat with the heartbeat of the poor. They do not judge those they serve. Rather, they seek to understand them as they would a brother or sister.”
- Confederation of St Vincent de Paul, 2003
Vincentians are a source of hope in the Puget Sound Region; utilizing the SVdP Network of Care, our Vincentians bring compassionate care to our neighbors in their homes. A Vincentian home visit helps people deal with crisis, including the threat of eviction, heat and utility shut-offs, hunger, lack of beds and other necessary furniture, and a need for human and spiritual connection.
In King County alone, over 900 Vincentian volunteers in 48 parish-based chapters, called 'Conferences', perform nearly 16,000 caring, compassionate, in-home visits each year. We meet neighbors in their homes to listen, learn, and build relationships. Vincentians assist our neighbors by assessing their needs and providing individualized assistance with the unique, personal challenges each family faces.
We can't wait to welcome you into the Vincentian family.

Become a Vincentian
To begin, please take a look at our New Member Welcome Guide.
Apply online, which will include consent to run a background check and acknowledgement of our Abuse & Neglect policies.
After you submit the form, you will receive information about the two-part Ozanam & Rendu trainings. You will be required to complete the two trainings within the first year. Learn more here.
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