

Members and non-members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul can volunteer to work across conference boundaries to support the efforts of one of our Special Works. We are currently accepting volunteers for:

Food Bank

Located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle, the Foodbank provides neighbors in need with a selection of fresh and packaged foods along with a chance to connect with service providers. Volunteers greet neighbors, distribute food, and help connect neighbors with other available services. The Foodbank is currently open Tuesday thru Friday.


Volunteers work from home, or in one of our available offices, to take calls from neighbors in need, collect vital information, and direct neighbors to the conferences who will help them. Training in the ConfDB system and a regular commitment of time is required for Help Line volunteers. Good phone and computer skills are expected.

Thirft Stores

Volunteers at our store locations can help sort donations, stock shelves and racks, greet and direct customers, and ring up purchases. Stores are located in Kenmore, Kent, Renton, and Burien and are open Monday through Sunday.

Centro Rendu

Centro Rendu of St. Vincent de Paul exists to create support systems for Hispanic immigrant families through education, leadership development, and opportunities that promote and strengthen healthier communities and future generations. We now have service offices in our Kent and Renon thrift stores.

Seattle RV Project

This Vincentian-run Special Works operates in collaboration with the Seattle Public Utilities Pump-Out project and offers a chance to connect with neighbors living in RV's, cars, and camped in marginal locations. Volunteers join team leads in many parts of the Seattle to distribute food, water, gas cards, clothing vouchers, and hygiene kits, depending on SPU's schedule and route.

To Volunteer, Sign Up Below:

To learn more about how your time and talents can be of use or get more information about specific types of volunteer opportunities please contact volunteers@svdpseattle.org