Esterman Fund

Esterman Fund


To receive resources from the Esterman Fund, Conferences must submit an application by email to Council President, Adelfa Moreno. The request must come from the Conference President and should include the following:

  • A simple description of the neighbor's situation, noting what makes this need special and how meeting the need will be potentially life-changing for the neighbor.
  • What the Conference is able to contribute and/or how the Conference has helped the neighbor in the past.

Esterman Fund Application Review

  • The reviewer(s) may ask for more information to better understand the circumstances and the scope of the need.
  • The approval of an application from the Esterman Fund will often be based on the nature of the need, the resources of the conference and other agencies, and the likelihood that the individual or family will be able to use the money to effect a change in their circumstances.
  • The amount of money requested may also be examined by the reviewer(s).
  • The amount of money available often depends on how many requests are made and how much money is available at any particular time.
  • When necessary, the amount approved may be less than the amount requested in order to give other conferences access to this form of assistance. The trustees will respond with a recommendation to the Council President for approval or disapproval. The final approval must come from the Council President.
Distribution of Funds