(12-18 Months) Conference Support Fund
- President of a conference in good standing must submit an on-line application (link
below) - The application includes two parts:
- Application form that asks basic information about the conference, its operation and
the how the funds will help the conference grow toward sustainability - A self-review of the conference relative to current National
Standards of excellence
- Application form that asks basic information about the conference, its operation and
- In addition to the on-line forms, a conference’s officers must appear before the board and
provide details on what steps it will take to move toward self-sustainability - To be in “good standing” a conference must have a full complement of officers as
described in The Manual: president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary
Conference Support Fund Application Review
- The reviewer(s) may ask for more information to better understand the circumstances and the scope of the need.
- When necessary, the amount approved may be less than the amount requested in order to give other conferences access to this form of assistance.
- The Board has final approval of the award which is voted on at the monthly board meeting.
Fund Distribution