Upcoming Webinar – The Eucharist and Social Mission: Body of Christ, Broken for the World
The Eucharist and Social Mission: Body of Christ, Broken for the World
Join us May 30th, 2024
at 12pm Pacific Time (English)
or 4pm Pacific Time (Spanish)
Fellow Vincentians,
We invite you to join us for this reflection on ‘The Eucharist and Social Mission: Body of Christ, Broken for the World’ during the solemnity of Corpus Christi.
SVdP Executive Director Mirya Muñoz-Roach will be presenting in the 4pm webinar in Spanish. Please share this opportunity with both English and Spanish-speaking parishioners and friends.
Click Here to Register (12 pm English)
Click Here To Register (4 pm Spanish)
“Together, we will break open the Theology of the Eucharist and consider how our liturgical practice calls us to be missionary disciples, going forth from the Eucharist… to accompany those who are poor and vulnerable.” -Yohan Garcia, US Conference of Catholic Bishops
This webinar will also offer practical resources, examples of programs and tools that can assist and inspire new ways of thinking and serving Christ in our neighbors.
This virtual event is co-sponsored by: Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.