News Update – October 2023
Vincentian Referrals to SVdP Case Management
Welcome back Ana Curtis!
We have the good fortune of Ana Curtis returning to SVdP with her many case management skills. Ana is a Veteran of the US Armed Forces and of our Case Management Team. She is managing the City of Seattle Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) and also responding to Vincentian referrals.
To all Vincentians, please remember to check in with your Conference President before making a referral to – referrals are made by Conference Presidents or a designee.
ConfDB Treasury Function Zoom Training
Join us via Zoom on Saturday, October 7th from 9-11:30 a.m. or Wednesday, October 11th from 6-8:30 p.m. for training on the treasury function of ConfDB. This session will be recorded in case you can’t make either of the sessions. Treasurers help us stay in compliance, your volunteer service to the society under this capacity is appreciated!
Tentative Agenda:
Zoom Links:
Saturday, October 7, 2023:
Topic: SVdP Treasurer Database Training #1
Time: 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 991 9872 4621
Wednesday, October 11, 2023:
Topic: SVdP Treasurer Database Training #2
Time: 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 7358 7029
New Helpline Online Request System needs 5-10 Vincentian Volunteers
The new board-approved Online Request Form and Processing System is designed to help reduce wait times for neighbors calling our Helpline. It gives them an option to put in requests outside of the regular helpline operation hours.
The system has been operating successfully for a few months, now running Monday thru Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The Online Request Form can be accessed through our main SVDP website and is available in multiple languages through Google Translate.
We anticipate an increase in online requests, due to expanded hours, creating a greater need for Vincentian volunteers to help process these requests. The volunteer commitment is minimal, and you get to choose your schedule. If you are a Vincentian who already has experience using our Conference Database and would like to volunteer, we are offering a virtual training on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 7 p.m.
Click below to register for the training session. If you have any questions about volunteering, please email
Rendu and Ozanam Orientation Dates
Rendu Orientation: This 2.5-hour interactive formation training requirement is designed for new and seasoned Vincentians. Grounded in the spirituality and convictions of our founders, participates will learn about our core home visit ministry.
Rendu Orientation: The Spirituality of Home Visit will be held on October 7, 2023, at:
St. Stephen the Martyr Parish – 13055 SE 192nd St., Rooms 128 and 129, Renton, WA 98053
Ozanam Orientation: Is the foundation of Vincentian formation required for new members (within your first year of service) and we welcome and encourage experienced Vincentians to attend as a refresher and in support of their new conference members.
Ozanam Orientation will be held on November 18, 2023, at:
St. James Cathedral – 804 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
The Beginning of a New Conference in Georgetown
After training and preparation provided to an enthusiastic body of staff interested in learning more about our founders and our mission, we have begun visiting homes in areas near our campus where SVdP does not currently have an open Conference.
Although the group has not decided what name they want, we are leaning towards Charlie Albert Georgetown Conference. For those of you who might, or might not, recognize the name and history, we invite you to visit our Foodbank on 4th Ave. and check out the banner on the wall that explains the vision and calling of Mr. Charlie Albert, our first council president. His words inscribed on the banner is a challenge, to ensure we continue to grow our mission and membership, so that there be no one left without care through an active conference all across our County. Click here to learn more about Charlie Albert and our Council’s history.
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Board Meeting: Monday, October 16, 2023
Council Meeting: Saturday, October 28, 2023
Read our Other News Updates
SVdP Member Website:
Vincentian Support Email:
SVdP Website:
SVdP National Website: